Bad news. Ms. Mallard was back at the feeder today, but only 6 (of 12) ducklings left. Can you tell how much they have already grown.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
We saw this years first ducklings last Sunday. Mom Mallard brought them into the back yard to munch at the bird feeders. I ran and got the camera and very slowly, and I thought quietly, slide open the kitchen window to get a picture. She got spooked, gathered all of them up and as they sprinted across the yard I was able to snap just this one shot. Not too bad, huh?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Jim took this picture, we are calling it "a study of Miss Sadie Mae with flower".
We had this building built for lumber storage. It is 16x8. The back and sides are sheeted with T-111, the front is finished with old fence wood. It was sort of ironic, we had to buy lumber to build a building to store lumber. I am a self proclaimed lumber hoarder. I had piles of lumber all over the yard. I was absolutely ruthless when it came time to sort out what to toss and what to keep. 
This is what we did with the trees we had cut down. Split and stack the alder to use in the wood stove in the basement. These two stacks alone with the two truck loads of wood we got from brother Al earlier this year will last us several years. I just hope we can use it up before it rots! I put a free ad on Craig's list for the rest of the fire wood we did not want and had a responce within a half hour. All totaled I had 14 responces before I deleted the ad. We had two people come today, both took a full truck load and I think one of them is going to come back tomorrow for the rest.
Jim used the chips on our trail system. He first lays down branches and then tops it of with wheelbarrow loads of chips. If not for these elevated trails we would not be able to use over half of our property. We enjoy walking around the trails and looking at stuff. This is probably the 3rd or 4th time this trail has been "done".
Sunday, April 4, 2010
$151.00 money took in
- 70.00 booth fee
- 20.00 to Janice
$61.00 profit
This is one of the lowest amounts I have ever made for a full days work. I did get some nice photos of our setup. The last two photos are Carol's things. The rest mine. What do you think?
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