Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bald Cypress

I planted 5 Bald Cypress about 20 years ago. They were all about 4-5' tall and pretty skinny, trunk wise. They are planted in a very wet area, some years it is flooded, not just all winter but all summer too.  Two of them were gnawed down by beavers, after that we wrapped the remaining three with chicken wire about two feet up, that seems to have saved them.  We have not bushwhacked our way in to see them in years, at least 5 years. We can see the tops  (25-30 feet tall) up above the scrub willow so we knew they were still there. Today we whacked our way back to see them, and boy howdy have they grown. The chicken wire has almost grown into one, I will cut it off soon, before the rains start, but the others seem to have a bit more growing room. I looked, but couldn't see any Cypress Knees, I don't know how old they have to be before they get Knees, or what conditions are necessary for them to form. Anyway, here are a few photos, one with Sadie, (for scale). One tree is still skinnyish, it has always been smaller. I bought the young trees from several different nurseries, so I guess the small one came from inferior stock. The trunks are really interesting, they're staring to look like swamp trees! I hope they don't attract any Swamp Monsters!

Delbert McClinton

I went to see Delbert McClinton last night, Jim didn't want to go. It was up north at the Skagit Valley Casino.  The venue was just a room with chairs for about 450, very small, not a bad seat in the house. The show was very good. He is a great R&B singer and harmonica player. He played all his great songs, lots of dancing going on, we stormed the stage for the encore and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.   We have had really nice weather this September, way better than summer. When I left to come home at 11ish it was 75 degrees! It had dropped to 66 by the time I got home.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

WOW! Can't believe it's been since February since I have posted. I quess things have been pretty dull around here.  Well, here's a little something to brighten your day.

For 4th of July someone took these poor innocent white orchids and dyed them blue. Yes, they are lurid! There are not as many now as there was before, so someone is buying them.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The last couple days we have had a little snow, a few inches at a time. Total about 3". This morning the sky was blue and the snow was still on the trees and bushes. Muy Bonito. Here are a few snaps we took. LOTS of birds in the backyard.
There is a thin layer of ice on the lake, and of course the water is way up in the backyard from all the rain we have been having. Makes for pretty in the snow.

The Centennial Trail, Most of these tracks were made yesterday, some by Sadie and I when we took our afternoon walk.

Sadie posing for me. What a pretty snow dog.

I threw some snow balls so she could show off her agility. Not bad for an old girl.

She enjoyed trying to catch the snow balls. If she caught one or not she went ahead and ate a little snow.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here is our Miss Sadie. She sleeps with her paw over her snout quite often. Very cute. Another person has shown interest in her. Someone who has a real love for Goldens.

A couple nights ago my groomer (a neighbor) called and said there was a stray dog accross the lake at the boat launch. He was just lying in the snow. Jim and I rushed over there and met her and her husband. The dog, an Anatolian Shepard, very tall, very skinny, very friendly, very hungry. So Jim and I loaded him up in the back of the Vdub, brought him back to the ranch. I took him and Sadie for a short walk to go pee, came back and let him in the house, he hesitated like he hasn't had a lot of house time. He gave Sadie a good going over with his nose then they pretty mush ignored each other. We put him in the sun room for the night. It was pretty cold but he is a big outdoor type dog. Unfortunately every time one of us would go out to check on him he would wake up and start barking. None of us got a lot of sleep that night. Monday I took him into the shelter. I will try to keep up with what happens to him and let you know.