Friday, May 28, 2010

This is pale pink tree peony. I pick a few of these and a few whites, they keep in the house almost a week.
I have been a little under the weather so I have alot to catch up we go.
Jim had a job up north and came back through the Skagit valley. He got some pretty close up shots of the Snow Geese. Jim L-O-V-E-S Trilliums, every year he takes tons of pictures, the only difference between year to year is....I don't know, nothing.

The Osprey are back! This one sat up in the tree a long time. The Eagles usually chase them away, or harass them until they drop their fish and high tail it off the lake. Theres only room for one fish eater on this lake.

Jim got a good picture of this very cute Douglas Squirrel. They can be very brave. Sometimes you can get within a couple feet of them. They used sit in the tree and torment Rudy.

We had a man come and grind the stumps from our tree cutting. It made a real mess. It will be a year at least before we can get grass (or moss) to grow there.

A sweet little Quail came to the feeder for a couple of days, He blends in with the dirt so well, sometimes you only see him when he moves.

We had a unique visitor to the feeder too, a "morph" Evening Grosbeak. It is not an albino, because it does not have pink eyes. Last year we had a "morph" red winged black bird. It is unusual because the "morphs" don't usually reach adulthood..too easy to see...being white and all.