Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Here is our newest foster, Pumpkin. His story, he is 4 1/2, 95lbs., his people had to give him up because he has two bad rear legs, his left knee seems to have a bad ACL, his right knee may also be bad but his right hip snaps, clicks and pops when he walks, yuck. Since he is so over weight he can't have anything done until he drops a few pounds. He lived outside, roaming around anytime and anywhere, not taking it easy like he should have been. His fur was dirty, very smelly and of course matted. His women person seem to like him alot and gave him up because they could not afford his medical bills. He and Sadie are ok so far. He is so big he makes Sadie look small and petite. I will try to get them in a photo together soon.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

We have had lots of rain lately, the lake level has come up. Yesterday we had a torrential rain storm, the kind that floods roads and basements. An inch in 2 minuets type rain. The Lake level came up so fast you could almost see it rising. The level continued to come up all day, it is as high now as during the rainy season. It will take a few weeks for the level to go back down to normal. Maybe someone will go downstream and bust up the beaver dams. It does get the baby ducks up close. A Mallard with five ducklings were swimming around this evening.