Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Heron, Geese, Sap Sucker, swallow

I am way behind on posting photos, so here are a bunch. 

This Heron came walking out of the bushes and was immediately attacked by Red Wing Black birds. You can see the reflection of one  BB in the water, the real bird is mostly in the reflection of a post. The RWBB is smart to chase the Heron off, Heron is not at all above taking eggs/baby birds out of the nest. The RWBB comes swooping down and almost lands on the back of the Heron. After a few minuets the Heron has had enough and flies off. 

A family of Canada Geese, the first photo, in the pouring rain, was taken about a week before the others. I may have gotten carried away with all the pics, but it's hard to stop at a few when you have all this cuteness. Between Jim and I we probably took at least twenty.  I might try to make some note cards from a couple of the good shots. 

 A woodpecker hit the dining room window. He was okay and flew away, just left a few feathers behind.

First photo is a Black Headed Grosbeak, they nest in the woods nearby, and sing a very beautiful song.
Second photo is an Evening Grosbeak. They travel in flocks and call to one another constantly.

This is an excellent example of the Red Breasted Sapsucker that drills all the wholes in our trees. They also drum on things, signs, bird houses, electric transformers, ladders, picnic tables,  anything to make a loud noise to attract mates or mark territory.

Jim was lucky to catch a Cormorant when it came up with a fish. 

Okay, last bird photo. 
One of my favorite birds, a swallow. An amazing flyer, sleek, fast, able to make incredible turns, with the sweetest chirp. 
Tree Swallow. 

1 comment:

  1. Great bird shots! I can't believe Jim caught the cormorant with the fish in its beak!
